Shlomo Berinhun

Shlomo Berinhun

You always have to dream. You have to dare to dream. By dreaming, we can achieve our goals and our objectives.

Shlomo Berinhun
I am Shlomo Berinhun. I was born in a village called Kaheh in the Gondar province of northern Ethiopia. Most of the people in my village were Jewish.
Because my parents were Jewish, they wanted to immigrate to Israel, but the Communist Government of Ethiopia made this impossible. At the age of twelve I left my parents and along with other relatives, tried to escape to The Sudan where we could then immigrate to Israel.
We traveled through the desert for twenty-eight days and suffered many hardships. On the twenty-fifth day we were attacked by bandits and were left with nothing.
When we finally made it to the refugee camp, we found life to be very difficult. Many children and elders died from a lack of basic necessities. At this time many of us felt hopeless.
After a year in the refugee camp, we were rescued by Israeli agents, and taken to the desert, in the middle of the night, where we were picked up by the Israeli Air Force and flown to Israel.
Upon my arrival in Israel, I was sent to boarding school where life was still very hard. When I graduated from high school, I joined the Israeli Army. After four years I was released. It was during this time that I was reunited with my parents for the first time in seven years.
After my release from the army, I went to Haifa University in the north of Israel to complete my academic studies. In Haifa, I studied psychology and human services for my BA degree and public management for my MA degree.
Haifa University is where I met my wife, Riki. We have three children, Pele, Shiraz, and Reut.

Sim Shalom, Shalom Rav
Honoring Shlomo Berinhun
Sim Shalom, Shalom Rav
(Honoring Shlomo Berinhun)
Sim Shalom, Shalom Rav
From the land of Cleopatra
From the rising of the sun
To the land of milk and honey
To Jerusalem
Fleeing from oppression
Of a murderous regime
Who slaughtered countless thousands
Set my people free
Sim Shalom, Shalom Rav
From the Tribe of Dan
For 2,500 years
The unbroken chain of words spoken
Freed this heart from fear
Crossing the Sudanese desert
Thousands of Ethiopian Jews
Like Moses crossing over
Into a world of dreams come true
Sim Shalom, Shalom Rav
Where bandits stole our donkeys
Our horses, food, and water
28 days crossing the desert
Into a camp of squalor
Divided from my family
With lost hopes, yet but a boy
Mossad agents came to save us
To lift us from grief to joy
Sim Shalom, Shalom Rav
“I know you miss your parents
But your parents would be proud
To know you have the power
To fulfill your dreams now”
My teacher always told me
Thanks to God my dreams fulfilled
My family came to join me
To live in Israel.
Sim Shalom, Shalom Rav
Music by LARRY LONG. Words by LARRY LONG with Matt Ikola’s 5th Class, Aquila Elementary, St. Louis Park, Minnesota.
© Larry Long Publishing 2014