Irene Hahn

Irene Hahn

Be Still My Soul
Honoring Irene Hahn
Be Still My Soul
I don’t need help
To get up and get ready
For my devotions
I read each new day
On Monday and Wednesday
And Friday I have
Physical Therapy
With a trainer from Belle Plaine
Be still my soul
The Lord is by my side
I was born on a farm
Not far from Gibbons
A town with one church,
creamery, and grocery store
My parents decided
To move into town
By a horse and a buggy
Before cars were around
Be still my soul
The Lord is by my side
When young us kids
Would get together
And play games
Like hide and go seek
We ran between the houses
Through the backyards
Inside of the clotheslines
Of fresh linens and sheets
Be still my soul
The Lord is by my side
We kept on playing
After it got dark
Pomp Pomp Pull Away
And Run Sheep Run
With the moon shining
From the setting sun
Each night I find peace
Reading Psalms 121
Be still my soul
The Lord is by my side
At harvest time
Families would come
From Mexico
To help pull up sugar beets
While mother butchered
Frying up the meat
Pack it down with fat
For winter food to eat
Be still my soul
The Lord is by my side
On Sunday morning
Father would ring the bell
For the trinity
Three times without fail
I would go with him
To listen to it ring
For the love of Jesus
My heart still sings
Be still my soul
The Lord is by my side
At Golden Hearts
I must be patient
With so many people
Worse off than me
I want to be humble
This I believe
Through the grace of God
I am now 103
Be still my soul
The Lord is by my side
Words & music by Larry Long
© Larry Long 2008 / BMI