Mary Medved

Mary Medved
Irish Slovenian-American and Foster Parent

Read, read, read. Be kind to each other. I had a Latin teacher say don’t judge people because you don’t know if they are carrying the world on their shoulders.

Mary Medved
Irish Slovenian-American and Foster Parent
My name is Mary Cathryn Erwin Medved. I was born in 1942 in the wilderness of Golden Valley, Minnesota. My parents were both from Ireland. My father was a dentist and my mother staid home with me. I am an only child.
My dad had a heart attack when I was 4 years old, so my mother and I had to move from our home to an apartment in St. Louis Park. To this day I do not like the confines of an apartment. I graduated from High School with a class of 493. Education was very important to my family.
I went to college at St. Kate’s to become an English teacher. While I was in college I was in a mission club that worked with poor people. I learned you don’t have to be wealthy to be happy. After I graduated I taught English.
My husband and I have been married for 43 years. He is from Slovenia. During World War II his family had to flee to a refugee camp in Austria. Through his experiences he learned to be quiet, unlike me whom likes to talk a lot.
We had three children of our own, but one died. Plus, we adopted two children and were foster parents for three more, which we ended up adopting too. My children’s backgrounds include: Cherokee, Lakota, African American, Irish, and French.
While my children were in school I became very involved at their schools (Silver Oak, Wilshire Park) I worked my way up to PTA president. I helped with a study on effects of television violence on children, turned the parking lot into a one-way parking lot, and helped get a stop light put in near the school.

I Love You
Honoring Mary Medved
I Love You
Ooooh, I want to tell you
How much I love you. I love you!
My name is Mary Cathryn Erwin Medved
I’m Irish which makes me communicative
They say we Irish like to talk to stones
Way back when before cell phones
Along time ago when people didn’t move
They didn’t have a chance
to meet folks like you
Along time ago didn’t move around
Tended to make friends
from their side of town.
You might think this ancient but I recall
Streetcars from Minneapolis to St. Paul
From Golden Valley to downtown
Hooked onto a wire
making a humming sound
Caring for each other
at the end of each driveway
Children would gather together and wait
To join others who walked along
By the time we got to school
we were thirty children strong
With tons of snow more than we have now
We would have to wait for the snow plow
Like pioneers in need of snow shoes
We never had to worry
about something to do
You could call the grocer
who put food in the box
To pull home in a wagon
everything you bought
Everybody knew each other
like here in Wilshire
No matter who you are
there’s always more to learn
Went to St. Catherine’s had a chance to go
To volunteer away from home
with migrant people who had less
Than what I had yet they were blessed
With so much love in their families
from them I learned how to be happy
You don’t need much this I say
Be kind to others it goes along way (4x)
Words & music by Larry Long with Kristine Behm’s 3rd Grade Class of Wilshire Park Elementary School
St. Anthony Village, Minnesota
© Larry Long 2009 / BMI