Angela Wedgeworth

Angela Wedgeworth
Single Mom and Medical Student

We have had our struggles and hardships, but I’ve always had my children and that to me is a good life.

Angela Wedgeworth
Single Mom and Medical Student
My name is Angela. I was born on January 29, 1961 in Richfield Minnesota. I lived in Richfield and went through the school system until 1979. I went to Wood Lake Elementary School, Portland Elementary, East Junior High, and Richfield High School.
Growing up I had a congenital heart defect. Allergies kept me inside the house a lot. I even had pneumonia and went into respiratory failure and died. They fortunately got me back!
When I got older I worked at an insurance company for a few years. I then met Kim’s dad in 1984. We met in January and married in September! 3 days after our wedding we moved to Seattle Washington and lived for one year.
We moved to Phoenix Arizona to live for 3 years. My son Alex was born in 1988. After that we moved again to Albuquerque, New Mexico were my second child Jessica was born in 1991. We decided to move back to Minnesota because of the good school system.
In 1995 Kim was born and I was a stay at home mom. My husband and I divorced in 2000. A year later my father died so my kids and I moved in with my mother. We lived with her for 4 years until she passed away from lung cancer in 2005.
I decided I wanted to go back to school. I am currently enrolled in medical assistant program. I have always been good with medical fields. I just so happened to be an EMT for 7 years when we lived in Iowa.
I believe that I have led a good life. We have had our struggles and hardships, but I’ve always had my children and that to me is a good life. I am glad that I had the chance to come back to Richfield. It has changed a lot since I was growing up. I liked living in other states, but home is home.

Do What You Need To Do For Family
Honoring Angela Wedgeworth
Do What You Need To Do For Family
Honoring Angela Wedgeworth
Do what you need to do for family
There’s no question in my mind
My name is Angela and I was born
On a cold and snowy morn
At twenty below Dad didn’t know
If the car would start and go
Sure enough two hours later
They said I came out
Into this big, huge, wonderful world
With a scream and shout
We lived near Minnehaha Falls
Until the age of five
Then we moved to Richfield
Where we use to drive
With my mother and father
To a place called a drive in
With my pajamas on
In the backseat with friends
I met Kim’s dad in ‘84
After we got married
We moved Seattle
Where I couldn’t breath
It rained all the time
So we moved again
To Phoenix, Arizona
Where Kim’s grandparents live
Then we moved to Albuquerque
Where Jessica was born
When their older brother started school
The family was torn
Came back to Minnesota
Then in ‘95
My daughter Kim was born
On the Iowa Wisconsin line
Sometimes people drift apart
Like Kim’s father and I did
From being married, to a housewife
To providing for three kids
When he asked for a divorce
What else could I do
All I had is but one choice
When he said I don’t love you
I got help from my mom and dad
And from so many friends
When my mom and father died
I had to get help again
With the help of government
We now have some relief
So I can go to school
This one thing I believe
Stay in school, do your best
Trust me, it means a lot
When you get out into the world
It’s not as easy as you thought
Through times good and bad
Always use your brain
Do what you set your mind to do
Please remember what I say
Words & music by Larry Long with Tamara Jenkin’s 6th Grade Class of Richfield Middle School. Richfield, Minnesota.
© Larry Long 2008 / BMI