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Cedar Manor Intermediate Celebration 2010

WHEN: May 24, 2010 @ 8:30PM
Cedar Manor Intermediate
9400 Cedar Lake Road
St. Louis Park, MN, 55426
United States

About the Event:

Frieda Bailey, Principal

Larry Long

Cheryl Fields
Cheryl Fields

A Jewish woman who was married to a Marine Vietnam Veteran who recently died from exposure to Agent Orange.

David Brandt

Man from the Minneapolis area who has worked many jobs in his lifetime, but has only recently discovered his best job yet; volunteering at Cedar Manor Intermediate School.

Sam Dupris

The story of a Native American Sioux, born and raised on a South Dakota Indian reservation who, through sheer determination, overcame poverty and racism, to become the first Native American inducted into the South Dakota Aviation Hall of Fame.

South Dakota, United States