Westwood Elementary Presents Elders’ Wisdom, Children’s Song
March 10, 2010
Zimmerman, MN – Westwood Elementary School will host a community celebration honoring four Zimmerman community elders at the Westwood Elementary School gymnasium on Thursday, March 18, 2010, 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM. The Elder Wisdom, Children’s Song™ community celebration will be hosted by America’s Troubadour, Larry Long, and is free and open to the public.
Larry Long has been working in partnership with the Elk River Area School District to provide this program at Westwood Elementary. Recently, Long has been working with the fourth grade students at Westwood Elementary to collectively write songs and gather recitations that honor the life stories of the following community elders:
- Mrs. Carol Bray – Zimmerman resident who now writes articles for local area newspapers.
- Mr. Danny Chin – Moved to Minnesota from China and owns and operates the local China House restaurant.
- Mr. Ernie Goldenman – Native of Zimmerman who now owns and operates Goldenman Christmas Trees.
- Mrs. Debra Lehmkuhl – American Indian Coordinator of the Elk River Area School District.
Contact Information:
Larry Long, Executive Director
Community Celebration of Place
3357 – 36th Ave S
Minneapolis, MN 55406
Melissa Jordan, Coordinator of Integration
Elk River Area School District
815 Hwy 10
Elk River, MN 55330
763-241-3400 x5002
Founded out of demand for Long’s work across the country, Community Celebration of Place is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that uses oral history, music and art to strengthen communities and foster reconciliation. For more information visit www.communitycelebration.org.
Larry Long, called “a true American Troubadour” by author Studs Terkel, has made his life work the celebration of American stories and heroes. In a curriculum called Elders’ Wisdom, Children’s Song,™ he has brought these heroes to the classroom to share their oral history with our younger generation. A Smithsonian Folkways recording artist, Larry has sung at major festivals, concerts and events throughout the U.S. and internationally. Long is a recipient of the prestigious Bush Artists Fellowship, the Pope John XXIII Award and In The Spirit of Crazy Horse Award for his work in forgotten communities. (www.larrylong.org)