Gayle Andrs

Gayle Andrs
Former Gatewood teacher and current volunteer at Gatewood as well as at the Burwell House in Minnetonka

I am a Hometown Girl
Honoring Gayle Andrs
I am a Hometown Girl
(Honoring Gayle Andrs)
I am a hometown girl.
If you want to think about what that means,
I am a hometown girl.
Before my parents they had me,
I am a hometown girl.
They wanted to have their baby
Born in Minneapolis
and this is my story.
I got adopted at 3 weeks old.
By Harry and Esther who gave me a home.
They wanted children so it was I they chose.
To be a part of their family.
I am a hometown girl.
Went to kindergarten like you.
I am a hometown girl.
Walked 5 blocks alone to school.
I am a hometown girl.
Then my family moved
out into the country
to Minnetonka Mills.
With a big garden, a huge yard to mow
With a creek through the land it flowed.
Called Minnehaha with the bridge we owned
To get us to the other side.
I am a hometown girl.
Went to church close to home
I am a hometown girl.
Didn’t walk down the dirt road.
I am a hometown girl.
To get to my friend’s home
I just walked
across the open field.
With 8 grades in one schoolhouse
With 2 in each classroom
After 8th went to Hopkins Junior High
After high school to the University
I am a hometown girl.
Got a teaching degree
I am a hometown girl.
Lived at home until I married
I am a hometown girl.
Built a house on the creek
Not far from
where I lived as a child.
Plus taught school for 49 years
28 of them at Gatewood
Things aren’t the same as they once were here
But still, it’s my neighborhood.
I am hometown girl
Now you know what that means
I am a hometown girl.
You mean the world to me
I am a hometown girl.
In each of you I believe
You are so special
This is my story!
I am a hometown girl
I am a hometown girl
I am a hometown girl
You are so special
This is my story!
Words and Music by Larry Long with Deb Cutkomp’s 1st grade class and Sara Lacey’s 4th grade class of Gatewood Elementary. Minnetonka, MN
© Larry Long 2011 / BMI