Manuela "Nely" Gutierrez

Manuela "Nely" Gutierrez
Mexican-American Business Owner and Parent

Listen to your parents. They want what is best for you. Also, do your best in school. You can do it. It’s harder for some of you, but you can do it. Always ask questions. Be the best you can be. Si se puede.

Manuela "Nely" Gutierrez
Mexican-American Business Owner and Parent
My name is Nely Gutierrez. I want to say thank you for inviting me to come. I was born April 17, 1956 in a small town in the country of Mexico, in the state of Chihuahua. I was raised by my grandmother. I remember her doing my hair. It was long and she would braid it. I remember her making folk remedies, like cinnamon and bay leaves for a cough. I also remember her taking me to church every Sunday. In our family, my grandmother raised the oldest child so I lived with my three cousins and my grandparents. I loved my grandmother so much. She died when I was twelve. It was a big loss for me. After she died, I lived with my mom and dad. It was hard to adjust to my new life with my parents and brothers and sisters.
As a child, I loved playing outside. We never had TVs or games. I went to school and my dream was to be a nurse. But after graduating from high school, I soon got married and began having children. I could not finish my nursing degree. I still dream about going back to school. It’s never too late.
After our second son was born, my husband moved to Minnesota. I came two months later with my two small children. I was scared, but I was brave. I was trying to protect my kids. If my husband could do it, so could I. It was very hard, but I wanted to be with my husband. My sons needed their dad and I did too. We worked on the farms and received legal residence through an amnesty bill created by Ronald Reagan. I also worked hard to receive my citizenship, which I did ten years ago.
I am a person who is not afraid of challenges. I like to prove I can do anything, and I just do it. My husband and I have five children. They are all very wonderful. The oldest is Manuel, then Luis, Saul, Justin, and Carolina. We also have eight grandchildren. I have lived in Minnesota for 19 years. When I came here, I spoke only Spanish and didn’t like pizza. Now I speak English and I love pizza. I think the fact that no one spoke Spanish made it easier for me to learn because people would not talk to me in Spanish. I watched TV in English and I liked learning the language. I always had a dictionary with me. I would write down a word and then look it up in the dictionary. I also did lots and lots of reading. I had a few jobs before I applied at Highland to be a paraprofessional. I also became an interpreter.
I always think things happen for a reason. I think I’m a lot like my mom. When I was a teenager, I didn’t think my mom knew too much. Now, I think I’m just like her and I’m proud of that. I like to keep very busy. I have my job in school and I have my job at our restaurant, Puerto Del Sol. Puerto Del Sol means door of the sun. I do lots of things there. I’m a hostess, a waitress, the accountant, the kitchen manager, a cook.
That is my life. I like my friends and I like to be around people. I like to go places and do different things. I want to help others. I stay positive even when there are problems. This is what makes me happy. In a sense I am the fulfillment of my Grandmother’s wishes. That is what it’s all about.

I Want To Say Thank You
Honoring Manuela "Nely" Gutierrez
I Want To Say Thank You
(Honoring Manuela “Nely” Gutierrez)
I want to say thank you, thank you
for inviting me to come
I want to say thank you, thank you
for inviting me to come
I want to say thank you, thank you
for inviting me to come
to be with you
I was born in a small town
in the state of Chihuahua
Only 8 hours from the border of Texas
I was raised by my Grandmother,
she washed clothes
In the river while I played not far from home
Grandmother wore long skirts
and blouses with long sleeves
She would boil cinnamon with bay leaves
When I was sick and in pain
grandmother would rub
Ointment on my tummy,
her hands filled with love
Grandmother went to church
and on Sunday morn
She would take me with her
from the time I was born
To help at the Feast
of Our Lady of Guadalupe
My grandmother, Abulita Cruz,
would kneel and pray
I lost my grandmother
at the age of 12 years
Moved back with mom and dad,
though her spirit’s always near
Got married, had two kids
my husband came to the states
With two babies in my arms
I just couldn’t stay!
I had to cross the river
with two babies in my arms
Hid beneath bridges
to keep them from harm
When a stranger helped me
buy tickets on a plane
To Minnesota to where my husband came
Like my Grandmother helping others
I give my life
Be it working at Puerta Del Sol,
as a mom, grandmother, wife
I try to be the best,
to be close to my grandkids
Si se puede, there’s a reason for everything
Words & music by Larry Long with Megan Van Epern’s 4th Grade, Highland Elementary School, Columbia Heights, Minnesota.
Larry Long 2009 / BMI